Tous mes achats sont en parfait état et je les aime vraiment.
Aimée T.
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Le meilleur que j'ai utilisé laisse vraiment ma peau soignée comme il se doit.
Delphine L.
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Je ne cesse pas d'acheter ici ils sont les meilleurs pour acheter je l'aime.
Béatrice P.
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J'adore et c'est un très bon prix, j'espère que c'est bon.
Carole M.
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J'ai déjà mes affaires à la maison et elles ont un bon contenu, je les adore.
Violette V.
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Suave. Para todo el cuerpo incluso el gel se puede utilizar para el cabello y zona íntima. Muy buena relación calidad/precio
Mª Isabel S.
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El precio de estos dos productos es genial, compré dos son muy buenos estos leches corporales.
Pilar I.
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É o melhor que esse conjunto realmente cobriu minhas expectativas Eu deixo minha pele perfeita.
Jovita A.
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Ready I liked it a lot I tried it one day and if I saw the improvement in my skin they are great.
Morgan G.
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A melhor coisa realmente eu amo o bom serviço que eles me emprestaram.
Isadora O.
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It really is very good, it leaves my skin hydrated, it is the best when I arrive from the beach.
Jade H.
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Quão legal minhas compras foram e estão em boas condições.
Francisca M.
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I already bought it was very easy I hope it arrives on time and without problems like the system.
Courtney B.
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Super nutritious, in my house we use it all and it works well.
Priscilla R.
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No cream manages to completely hydrate, my skin is very dry and I can not get something that really does, I will not say that this cream is not good, I think I could do more.
Lesia L.
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Happy of this 2x1, I am delighted with this cream!!!
Betty P.
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Vou experimentar nos outros e quero mudar o hidratante.